
Surviveandshootatotherswhiletryingtokeepyourowntankalive!,TheTank,usuallycalledtheBasicTankorsimplyBasic,isthetanktheplayerspawnsas.ItisequippedwithoneCannonwhichshootsoneBulletatatimeina ...,Tank是最常用的坦克種類,因為不論是誰,進入遊戲一定會使用此坦克至少一瞬間。唯一一個例外是在進入母艦模式時直接當上母艦,不過這個模式已經被移除了。,FantasyTankBuilder.SpecialthankstoIBlobTouch,Acarii,Likcora...


Survive and shoot at others while trying to keep your own tank alive!

Tank - Diep.io Wiki

The Tank, usually called the Basic Tank or simply Basic, is the tank the player spawns as. It is equipped with one Cannon which shoots one Bullet at a time in a ...



Fantasy Tank Builder

Fantasy Tank Builder. Special thanks to IBlobTouch, Acarii, Likcoras, Normalize ... Diep, Arras, Borderless. Sidesi. 4. Distancei. 0. Base Anglei. 0. Shell ...

What is the best tank in Diep.io?

2017年2月24日 — My favorite tank in diep.io is the Overlord because it's drones are stronger than all the tanks in the game and not leaving the #1 spot, but ...

Every Diep.io Tank Described In Ten Words Or Less

2021年9月2日 — Annihilator: Lazy person's best friend. Assassin: First three letters define it. Auto 3: Do people even use this?

6 Ways to Upgrade Your Tanks on Diep.io

Upgrade your Flank Guard. Once you reach level 30, the Flank Guard can upgrade to four choices: The Twin Flank, the Quad Tank, the Auto 3, and the Tri-Angle.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
